Gail Shaw wrote:
> Now, I know very little about the economic situation in the US, other that
> what I read, so I may be waaaay off base but...
> Look how many of the comments are only blaming the government. Is everyone
> else completely without blame?
I blame the people.
Here's one comment I loved:
"The middle class is to blame for for middle class woes. Middle class
America has been living lifestyle that exceeds their income for far too
governemnt starts giving out more handouts, middle class America needs
to tighten their belts, live sensibly, and yes, maybe even cancel cable
TV before sending out a lynch mob on the GOP and big oil."
I work in a bank. I see people's finances. And what I see scares me.
Now, to be clear, I'm not a pessimistic believer in the apocalypse,
waiting for doom around every corner. I don't believe this country, or
any other, has to "fall", "be destroyed", or anything else. I think
widespread poverty, unemployment, and other ills *can* happen, but that
they are, in many cases, preventable. Especially in those areas where
education is readily available.
The other day, I was talking to someone about saving money. They tried
the usual objects, "Oh, it's hard, I don't make very much, blah blah
blah". Of *course* they think it's hard, they've never done it!
Anyway, I was telling this person that first, it's possible, and second,
it's important that they make sacrifices to save money. One of the
other tellers butted in, agreeing with the customer that it wasn't
reasonable to expect them to save money! I practically wanted to rip
her throat out for being so stupid, and undermining everything I was saying.
As long as society in general doesn't value thriftiness(1), sacrifice,
or saving, then society in general will have all kinds of problems. I'm
not going to have those problems(2), because I'm not going to *let*
myself have them.
(1) Thrifty != cheap. I fully believe in investing money wisely, and
spending it when you're getting good value for it. I do *not* believe
in choosing the cheapest option just because it's the cheapest.
(2) This is not to say I won't have problems. However, I'm not going to
have to worry about my financial future, or my ability to live. I am
completely in control of those things, and I know enough to take care of
...Ben Chambers
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